
Your satisfaction is our top priority. If, for any reason, a Kahtoola product does not live up to your expectations, it can be returned for a refund or exchanged if purchased from us directly. The product must be returned by the original owner and must be in a clean, unused condition, with all of the original packaging and tags. Original shipping charges are non-refundable, and return shipping charges will be assumed by the customer (we do not offer return shipping labels).

Third Party Store Returns

We encourage you to return or exchange new products purchased from one of our retail partners to the original store. If this is not possible, please contact our Customer Service Department at (866) 330-8030

For warranty inquiries, please refer to our Warranty page. For products out of warranty, learn more about repairs.

How to Return or Exchange a Product

To begin the return or exchange process, please contact our customer service department at (866) 330-8030 or for a return authorization number. The product must be returned by the original owner and must be in a clean, unused condition, with all of the original packaging and tags. Please include this number on the package shipping label and send to:

431 S. River Run Rd.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

If you are returning a product for exchange, please provide the new product information, such as name, size, color, etc., when contacting us for your return authorization number. Returns or exchanges will only be honored for the original owner and will not be accepted without a return authorization number. Dirty and used items will not be refunded and will be returned to the sender.