Kahtoola was founded on the belief that business can be a force for good. For over two decades, we’ve partnered with organizations dedicated to preserving indigenous cultures, strengthening outdoor communities, and protecting the environment. These partnerships inspire us to do more and reflect our commitment to creating positive change.
Foundations of Giving
How does an unlikely businessman start a company with a purpose beyond making products? For Kahtoola Owner and Founder, Danny Giovale, it began with a simple idea: putting people first.
By the time he started designing his first set of hiking crampons, Danny had already traveled the world. While the adventures were unforgettable, it was the stories of the inspiring people he met along the way — especially the Tibetan people and their culture — that left the deepest impression.
As his new company began to take shape, Danny decided he wanted to focus on people and the responsibility he felt to give back. And he wanted Kahtoola associates to be part of it.
With that in mind, Kahtoola for the People (KFP) was born. Starting on day one, whether the company turned a profit or not, we invested 1% of our revenue into efforts that empowered others. KFP initially focused on preserving indigenous cultures, reflecting Danny’s personal experiences. Over time, Kahtoola also supported outdoor communities and environmental responsibility through other initiatives.
Kahtoola for the People was a program we’re immensely proud of. As we grew, we recognized the need to unify and expand these efforts into a broader framework. This vision culminated in what is now the Kahtoola Philanthropy Program, which unites all our initiatives under one mission.