Reducing Our Wider Impact
We’re proud of the steps we’ve taken to make our products more sustainable, but our commitment to the environment doesn’t end there. We’re also working to increase sustainability company-wide through targeted strategies and by forming alliances with other businesses and environmental organizations.
In 2019, we began the process of measuring our scope 1 and 2 baseline emissions. Having this information helps us target our reduction strategies and measure our progress, so we can more effectively drive those emissions down. And we’re already using that information in some exciting ways.
To move us a step closer to achieving our emissions reduction goals, we’ve begun the process of measuring our scope 3 baseline emissions and understanding the environmental effects of our supply chain. This will give us our best picture yet of the impact we have on the planet, both internally and through all of our external partners. Once the process is complete, we’ll have the hard numbers we need to set ambitious short and medium term sustainability targets.